A Team of Dental Professionals Working Independently to Serve You!
(647) 620-5444
(416) 746-0005
Cosmetic Dentistry

With our cosmetic dentistry procedure, you no longer need to cover your smile. Whether your are concerned with the chipped or missing teeth, the gap between your teeth, or unhappy with the shape or color of your teeth, we can provide you with a beautiful smile and give you a good reason to socialize with confidence.

Some of smile make over services include:


These custom shells, typically made of porcelain (sometimes plastic), cover the front sides of the teeth to change their color and/or shape. Veneers last longer than bonding and provide a superior appearance. They are less expensive than crowns. Veneers can improve teeth that:

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Teeth Whitening

Over time, teeth can become stained or discolored, especially after smoking, taking certain medications, or consuming foods and beverages such as coffee and tea.Using a chemical process, we can bleach your teeth in one of two ways. We offer an in-office procedure, or provide you with a system to use at home.


Sometimes called caps, crowns completely cover a tooth, restoring a normal shape and appearance.You may need a crown to: Cover a misshapen or discolored tooth,Protect a weak tooth  

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Sometimes called a fixed partial denture, bridges are used to replace missing teeth with artificial teeth. Bridges can be made of gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination. We anchor them onto surrounding teeth after preparing them for crowns. Then a false tooth joins to the crowns and the bridge is cemented onto the prepared teeth. The success of your bridge depends upon its foundation. So, remember that oral hygiene to keep remaining teeth healthy is particularly important if you wear a bridge.


Today, people of almost all ages are benefiting from braces. Braces not only improve the look of teeth that are crooked or crowded. They can improve an irregular bite and correct jaw positioning and jaw joint disorders. Often there are two phases to treatment with braces: wearing braces, and then using a retainer to hold your teeth in their new position. Retainers can be removable or permanently bonded in behind your teeth.

Tooth Jewelry

Are you looking for adding a spark to your personality? Teeth jewelry that helps you to flash a million dollar smile! Many are adapting this style not only to surprise friends with a sparkling crystal glass design, or something in gold with a twinkle of ruby or diamond, but also add zing to their smile.

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