A Team of Dental Professionals Working Independently to Serve You!
(647) 620-5444
(416) 746-0005
How Frequently Should You Get A Cleaning?
When Should You Consider Braces?
     The Costs Of Dental Care            

“How Frequently Should You Get A Cleaning?”

If you are enjoying a good oral health, on average it is recommended that you clean your teeth every six month. When you get your teeth cleaned regularly, the dentist or your dental hygienist will have a chance to complete an oral examination and discuss ways to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. If you smoke or happen to be experiencing some signs of gum disease you may be recommended to get your teeth cleaned more often.

“When Should You Consider Braces?”

It's a good idea to get an orthodontic evaluation by the time a child is 7 years old. Young children have softer, more malleable bones, so their jaws are more readily encouraged to move or grow in a more ideal shape. And because younger kids grow faster, treatment takes less time.

Early intervention can also prevent crowding down the road. For example, a six-year adult molar normally erupts right behind a baby second molar. If your child loses that baby molar early (perhaps due to decay), the adult molar may drift forward, severely crowding adult teeth that emerge. By moving that adult molar back into its ideal position early, you can avoid having to pull it out it later on and possibly avoid further orthodontic work.

However, if you have not taken care of the crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite (an underbite or overbite) until when you are an adult, there are still a variety of treatments that can help straighten teeth, including braces and retainers.

Your first consultation is always free of charge.

“The Costs Of Dental Care"

The cost of taking care of your oral health depends on the service you need. Like every other dental practice in Ontario, we follow the fee schedule set out by the Ontario Dental Association's Suggested Fee Guide.

If you have a dental plan through your place of employment, or are covered through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program, for your added convenience, we bill the plan provider directly.

We always do our best to accommodate our patients; however, one thing you need to remember is that not getting that tooth fixed could cost you even more.

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